Build The Ultimate Body With The Complete Sexy And I Know It Workout Routine
One of the top ways to get sexy is to workout. There is just no getting around that. To create the ultimate and sexy look, I’ve put together this exclusive Sexy And I Know It Workout. In this workout I will outline the exact steps it takes to build a sexy body.
Please rest assured, if you follow this blueprint you will become sexy. There is no doubt that LMFAO went through this workout numerous times before shooting their video. This is exactly why they are so sexy. Notice how women stare at them.
Note: you may become too sexy. In some cases, your sexiness will prevent you from being able to walk down the street without people staring at you.
After completing this workout there will be no getting around the fact that you are sexy. Your body will scream “I’m sexy and I know it” where ever you go. People will no doubt gawk and stare at you. This is all part of it.
The Sexy And I Know It Workout
Here is a brief overview of the exercises you will need to master. As you will see, there are many steps to creating a sexy body.
I strongly recommend you watch this video tutorial to see each step demonstrated before attempting this workout.
- Warmup
- Sexy Shuffle
- Model Walk
- Praying Mantis
- Pushups
- Hip Thrusts
- Planks
- Pec Flexes
- Dumbbell Curls
- Stair Steppers
- Wiggle, Wiggle, Wiggle
- Cardio Quick Step
- Spider Bounce
- Handstand Pushups
- Cool Down
The entire workout should take a little less than 3 1/2 minutes to complete. If you are feeling extremely unattractive then you can repeat this workout for a total of 3 sets.
The Sexy And I Know It Workout Steps
Now that you have a good overview of the Sexy And I Know It Workout, here is each exercise broken down.
Exercise #1 – Warmup
The warm up is done as a casual walk. Your main goal is not to have everyone starring at you. We will get to that soon. Instead, you should aim to get your blood flowing and get your muscles warmed up.
Exercise #2 – Sexy Shuffle
The sexy shuffle can be a difficult exercise to master. Once you have perfected this you will be able to move onto sexier exercises.
Exercise #3 – Model Walk
This is were you get to truly strut your stuff. You are starting to get sexier already. More and more people are looking.
Exercise #4 – Praying Mantis
Things are heating up a bit too fast. Add in some Yoga to make this workout last a bit longer. Don’t think about what happens to the male Mantis … not sexy.
Exercise #5 – Pushups
Good old fashioned pushups. If you find these too difficult you can do the modified version as shown.
Exercise #6 – Hip Thrusts
Oh yeah, we’re starting to get sexy now. This exercise is a staple and a must for anyone who wants to be sexy. This is great for your glutes .
Exercise #7 – Planks
Although commonly thought of as a core exercise, the plank is actually a great way to tan. Avoiding tan lines adds a whole new level to being sexy.
Exercise #8- Pec Flexing
After doing your pushups it’s time to see what your pecs can do. I can’t imagine any woman being able to resist pec flexing.
Exercise #9 – Dumbbell Curls
Notice how the women flock to the man doing curls. Never waste your time doing incline bench press … not sexy.
Exercise #10 – Stair Steppers
Try to limit the amount of stair stepping. As many as it takes to get onto the bar is sufficient. You need to save your energy for the next move.
Exercise #11 – Wiggle, Wiggle, Wiggle
The ultimate in sexy exercises. Once you’ve mastered the wiggle you will be able to sing … I’m sexy and I know it.
Exercise #12 – Cardio Quick Step
Transitioning from the wiggle is not easy; be careful. Now you will want to move directly into the cardio quick step to ensure maximum fat burn-age.
Exercise #13 – The Spider Bounce
The spider bounce may look easy but it can be very dangerous. In fact, it is the danger that makes this exercise so incredibly sexy.
Exercise #14 – Handstand Pushups
One of the least impressive and in-effective exercises of the workout but still necessary to complete the routine.
Exercise #15 – Cool Down
You’ve done it! You are without a doubt sexy … and you know it. Now it’s time for a cool down.
I truly hope that you put this to use. As with any exercise and diet program, even this workout will not be effective unless you do it. As a reminder of just how sexy you can get here is the video again.*
November 15, 2011 @ 3:37 pm
whats up with this article??
November 15, 2011 @ 3:51 pm
I saw the video a few days ago and it cracked me up … I figured it wouldn’t hurt to have a not so serious article for a change.
November 15, 2011 @ 5:35 pm
That so funny I had to LMFAO. Fitness from music videos!
January 31, 2012 @ 8:09 am
Dave - Not Your Average Fitness Tips
November 19, 2011 @ 2:54 am
Hilarious, great post.
January 31, 2012 @ 8:10 am
Yeah, now it’s time to get to workout 😉
November 21, 2011 @ 8:16 am
That is pretty funny! Glad I read this one…
Kristjan Gunnarsson
December 11, 2011 @ 5:25 pm
Awesome post, Kevin 😀
Really like the new look btw.
January 31, 2012 @ 8:09 am
Thanks Kris!